

Academic publications

Al Akash, Ruba, Marina de Regt and Siham Al Masri (2024), “A Double-Edged Sword”: The Role of Digital Technologies in Marriage and Divorce Among Syrian Refugees in Northern Jordan”, Refuge: Canadian Journal on Refugees 40: 1-16. DOI:

Van Raemdonck, An (2023), Early marriage/pregnancy among Syrian refugees in Jordan in light of reproductive governance and justice”, Women Studies International Forum, DOI:

Van Raemdonck, An (2023), “Syrian Refugee Men in ‘Double Waithood’: Ethnographic Perspectives on Labour and Marriage in Jordan’s Border Towns”. Gender, Place & Culture, DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2023.2178390.

Al Akash, Ruba and Morgan Chalmiers (2021), “Early Marriage among Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Exploring Contested Meanings through Ethnography”. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters 29 (1): 287-302.

Van Raemdonck, An (2021). “A Desire for Normality: (Early) Marriage among Syrians in Jordan between Waiting and Home-Making”. Social Anthropology 28 (4): 174-187.

Van Raemdonck, An and Marina de Regt (2020). “Early Marriage in Perspective: Practicing an Ethics of Dialogue with Syrian Refugees in Jordan”. Progress in Development Studies 20 (4): 312-327.

Van Raemdonck, An (2020) “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, the Liberated Body and the Primacy of Conscience: Probing beyond the Secular/Religious Binary”. Transforming Bodies: Religions, Powers and Agencies in Europe, edited by M. van den Berg, J. Wiering and L. Schrijvers. Routledge, p. 43-58.

Grabska, Katarzyna and An Van Raemdonck. (2019). “Savoirs féministes et expertise de genre à l’épreuve des crises des personnes réfugiées au Kenya et en Jordanie”. Savoirs féministes au Sud. Expertes en genre et tournant décolonial, edited by C. Verschuur. Cahiers genre et développement n°11.



The stories


NoorJordan, 2018Read →

Hassan and Akram

Hassan and AkramJordan, 2019Read →


MeeraJordan, 2018Read →

Safa and Leena

Safa and LeenaJordan, 2018Read →


ZahraJordan, 2018Read →


NoorJordan, 2018Read →


MeeraJordan, 2018Read →


ZahraJordan, 2018Read →